My Toolbox

There are many ways to achieve your health and well-being. Everyone is unique and each person responds to different techniques. I have studied with a variety of teachers, healers and masters on my journey to being a energy healing practitioner and spiritual guide/pathfinder.

I am offering support for your journey to health and a joyful life. I offer private sessions using the following methods and techniques, in a safe space of compassion and harmony.

MariEL Reiki — In 1984 I was privileged to learn MariEL from Ethel Lombardi, one of the original Reiki Masters. MariEL is God’s love coming through Mother Mary, helping to establish the Divine Feminine upon the earth. This is a gentle way to eliminate emotional wounds on the genetic level from all time and space without reliving the experiences.

Educational Kinesiology/Brain Gym — In 1986 while I was attending massage school, I began learning about the brain and how movement can re-wire the connections and assist one in achieving very specific goals. On this part of my journey I studied with Dr. Paul Dennison the founder of Brain Gym and became a Certified Brain Gym Practitioner. The Brain Gym specific, simple movements can assist in resolving ADD and ADHD. I’ve witnessed an amazing recovery from a brain injury by using this technique.

Massage Therapist — My massage career lasted 22 years which gave me a variety of experiences with eliminating pain and helping people relax. Plus learning about how the physical body functions is invaluable. I can offer suggestions to relieve your specific issue.

Light Language Teacher — The language of the universe is Sacred Geometry. The 5 Platonic Solids are the building blocks of all matter. In Light Language we discover how to use these building blocks with color to create messages to the Universe to bring about health, healing and manifestation of our wishes and desires. I have used and taught Light Language since 2003. Having this knowledge of the language of the Universe has been empowering. During a session I can share this energy and offer a road map of light for your use.

Zone Technique — is a form of healing to balance your brain and align your spine so that your body can function at it’s best. See this page for more details.

Schedule a personal session here: